If you need more information on IRS and international student tax rules, the impact of tuition discounting trends, or the latest updates on federal affairs, consider viewing these webcasts:
International student tax. Compliance with international student tax rules can be challenging. The November 7 webcast, Tax Administration and International Students: A Conversation With the IRS, was designed to help clarify the process.
This discussion with IRS officials covered several tax issues related to international students, including the documentation required for granting treaty benefits, Form 1042–S and 1042 reviews, and deposit requirements. The panel offered tips on how to prepare for a withholding agent review and an inside look at upcoming projects that the IRS has planned to promote international compliance. Attendees also learned how to examine current processes on campus for potential gaps in compliance.
Tuition discounting trends. Tuition discount rates at four-year, private, nonprofit colleges and universities reached record levels in FY17, resulting in declining net tuition revenue at many institutions. Rising discount rates bring myriad concerns, particularly about decreased enrollment, challenges to finding new revenue sources in support of rising institutional aid expenditures, and how to meet students’ needs in an era of declining resources.
The November 14 webcast, Striking the Right Balance: Using the Results of the 2017 NACUBO Tuition Discounting Study to Meet Enrollment and Revenue Goals, summarized the results of the study, including the latest trends in undergraduate tuition discount rates and the impact of tuition discounting on net tuition revenue. Presenters also covered strategies to increase enrollment and net revenue during these challenging times.
Federal affairs news. As part of its ongoing effort to provide business officers with the latest on the political climate and potential bud-getary, tax, and regulatory changes, NACUBO will present the December 14 webcast Legislative Lunchcast: A Washington Update From NACUBO. This free-to-members, 30-minute overview of what’s happening in Washington is the fourth and final update for 2018. It will cover a wide range of issues that impact students and institutions, including:
- Budget and midterm election updates and outcomes.
- Regulatory and judicial developments on financial responsibility, gainful employment, and Title IX.
- Tax Cuts and Jobs Act updates.
- Judicial action and its impact on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
To view on-demand recordings or to register for upcoming webcasts, visit the the “E-Learning” on the NACUBO website. NACUBO’s E-Learning is supported by: Crowe https://www.crowe.com/.